Professional fixer, hobbyist figure-outer.
Run shortcuts and automate tasks with a press of a button!
Simple Model View Controller Fyne project that doubles as a tip calculator.
Mortal Kombat like Game written in Java, back in highschool.
A CSV editor written in Python. I was annoyed with Excel's Copy/Paste features, so I made something that worked for me.
I upgraded my Macro Pad with a WYSIWYG editor, drag-and-drop functionality, and MVC.
Learning the MVC pattern for my MiniMacroPad by making a Tip Calculator in Go.
The journey of making my Mini Macro Pad was created and the challenges I faced along the way.
Person Database using python, flask, sqlite3, React.
A Platformer Of Some Sort is just that, a platformer of some sort!
Breakout Pong is a mix between the game Pong and the game Breakout